A few years ago I had such terrible sleep that I would get anxious before going to bed.
I feared the reoccurring scenario that would wake me up at 3.00am to switch my brain on to ruminate the “should have dones.”
Most of the statements would start with, “If only I would have …”
Then the sweats would come where I projected myself into what life would have looked like had I made the alternate decision.
Hence my fear of going to bed. The fear of the demon decision scenario would return. It was like returning to the cinema and watching “Dirty Dancing” every night. Very hard to stomach.
Today I sleep like a baby. If I do wake up early, it is because I am excited about the joy the day is about to deliver. So, what did I do to return to a peaceful slumber?
A mentor friend of mine Lisa O’Neil is an Action Addict. She is a world class speaker and one of her favourite topics is “Action”.
During one of our group conversations, she alluded to a phrase that really resonated with me, “Action keeps the darkness away.”
Ruminating on past situations are mere thoughts in one’s head. There is an internal debate with no adjudicator. There is no resolution, just more confusion.
Taking action today moves you closer to “what life could have been”, gives meaning and purpose to your life.
So, this is what I did.
When the demon decisions woke me, instead of putting energy into “what was”, I put it into “what will be”. I thought of the action I will take that day to get me closer to what I want.
And each day I felt better. I reflected and gave kudos to my actions.
Slowly the demon faded into a good story for a blog.
The new action adventure took precedence and sleep became more enticing due to a full day of action. Action keeps the darkness away.
Can you turn your sleeping demon into an action hero?
Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the important recharging activities for your wellbeing. Removing obstacles from having a good night’s sleep is imperative.