After arranging the raw National and Like schools NAPLAN data into an easy-to-read comparative table, East Maddington Primary School principal, Fiona Blundells, face lit up with a smile.
In all domains, in both year levels, the students were above Like Schools.
This was an improvement from the previous year.
This result reflected consistent teaching and learning.
The hard work by many people was paying off.
She shared this fantastic news as I was setting up for the planned staff culture session. I stopped. I turned and said, “This is worth celebrating.” I abandoned content and exchanged it for a session on Celebration. This is culture.
The Olympic athletes are professional celebraters regardless of their placing. Celebrating years of commitment and focus to be the best version of themselves. Whether they are on the podium or on the sidelines, they acknowledge their efforts and learn from emotional feedback. Either way they celebrate. And this is what schools could do more of. Celebrate first. Analyse later.
At East Maddington Primary we took pride in looking at the identified improvements.
We savoured the moment.
Because this moment was a medal winning moment. It was the culmination of many factors.
1. The dedication of teachers, educational assistants, educational administrators, office administrators, cleaners and gardeners.
2. The implementation of relevant learning programs for the student context.
3. The intervention strategies required to lift individual performance.
We reflected on our efforts
Then in groups, the staff reflected on all the initiatives and activities that were created to arrive at the impressive results. The list was exhaustive from Culture to Collaboration to Common Assessments.
At the end it was an impressive list of dedication to the vision – making a positive difference to student progress and potential. It was 40 minutes' worth sharing. No analysing the weaknesses but celebrating the strengths. The strengths of teaching and learning.
How are you celebrating your NAPLAN data?
PS. I reflected on how we could have concluded the celebration better. Each person moving around the group thanking them for their efforts. A personal touch of appreciation. Don’t worry Fiona, this is how we will start the next Culture session.