If we are going to achieve the goals we set, there needs to be accountability to the process and the people.
This goes for any situation in the school environment from the principal to the student. Clarity is at the heart of any accountability journey.
Clarity of expectations.
Clarity of outcomes.
Clarity of timeframe
Clarity of understanding.
I was present during a leadership meeting and three items were discussed concluding with anticipated actions by the leaders.
As the meeting was being wrapped up, I was invited to comment.
“From an outsiders' viewpoint, I am unsure of what you (the principal) want me to do?”
“I invite each leader to reiterate what their action plan is for the three items.”
As we went around the circle each leader had a variance of the action.
They were not united. There was obvious confusion. However, they all thought they had the right interpretation. If we are going to be accountable to the process, we need to be 100% sure of what it is.
After a brief reflection of her expectations, the principal then addressed each item for clarity.
She used the following formula:
What it is she wanted the leaders to do. Expectations
Why this was important to student learning. Outcomes
When the information needed to be returned. Timeframe
And then asked a leader if they were clear with their actions. Understanding
The principal had established a clear framework for the leaders to work within when collaborating with their team.
No ambiguity. No misinterpretations.
Are you practicing Clarity when giving instruction, directions, information to your team, students or peers?