School Wellbeing would have to be the most important factor when considering a people culture.
There is no difference between a staff with physical injuries or a staff with mental injuries. Both are underperformers due to their lack of natural stamina.
This is why Positive Wellbeing is included in the School Culture survey.
“I look forward to coming to school.” What are 28% of teachers fearing? And what about only 37.8% of Year 6 students? What are their fears?
The real concern for a school is the last example,
“I leave school each day feeling fulfilled and appreciated.” Less than 60% of teachers agreed.
What is the definition of fulfilled? Do they dwell on the one negative incident, or the many positive moments? Was their internal appreciation measured against others’ expectations or their own goals and purpose?
Year 6 students have a score of less than 40% agreeing. Such a low number. What is their perception of their day?
Schools who have completed the School Culture Survey collaborate with staff to discover answers then solutions to these questions.
It is so interesting to drill down deeper and find the root cause.
At one school the issue was centred around relationships.
Is School Culture an agenda item at your school?